Proud McKinley moment! Job well done to all of our students who participated in Reading Olympics!
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Students posing at the Reading Olympics competition.
Students posing at the Reading Olympics competition.
Students posing at the Reading Olympics competition.
Students posing at the Reading Olympics competition.
Students competing in Reading Olympics
Students posing at the Reading Olympics competition.
Students competing in Reading Olympics
Students posing at the Reading Olympics competition.
A huge shoutout goes to everyone in the Aladdin Jr. cast and crew for putting on a wonderful production!
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Aladdin cast posing as a group.
Cast members posing with the "break a leg cake"
5th grade cast members posing together.
Cast members posing on stage.
Cast members signing and dancing in the production.
Cast members signing and dancing in the production.
Cast members signing and dancing in the production.
Cast members signing and dancing in the production.
Cast members signing and dancing in the production.
Cast members signing and dancing in the production.
APRIL CALENDAR REMINDERS: - Elementary schools 3:45pm dismissal today, 4/8 - All schools closed on Wednesday, 4/10 - No classes on Tuesday, 4/23
10 months ago, Abington School District
Calendar Reminders: 4/8 - Elementary extended school day, regular dismissal for secondary; 4/19 - Schools closed for Eid; 4/23 - Schools Closed for Teacher Professional Development
There was an earthquake in New Jersey that could be felt in Montgomery County within the 10 a.m. hour. We were one of several school districts who felt vibration and shaking. Please know that all ASD facilities are safe, secure, and there are no incidents.
10 months ago, Abington School District
The Abington Educational Foundation (AEF) is thrilled to organize the 3rd annual Abington Night at the Phillies for the April 17th game vs. the Colorado Rockies! This year you will purchase your discounted tickets ($25 each) and pick your seats directly from the Phillies at this link: Please use code AEF when purchasing your tickets.
10 months ago, Abington School District
Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day to our paraeducators in Abington School District! Thank you for supporting our students and teachers. #ASDProud #OneASD
10 months ago, Abington School District
Thank you, ASD Paraprofessionals!
Check out the April edition of our McKinley School Counselor Newsletter from our school counselor, Mr. Johnson!
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
CoSucnhsoeollor NEWSLETTER Ha p p y A p ri l! He y, Mr. J! Need to get in touch? (P) 2 15.66 3.04 30, ext . 6212 or Em ai l The m e o f th e M on th: P RI D E Pride is a fe e li ng of dee p sati sf a ction in on e ’s own ac hi evemen ts . It’ s imp ortan t for e ach of us to take time to rec ogni ze ou r a cco m plis hmen ts , big and s m a ll , a nd gi ve ours e lve s permi ssion to feel g oo d ab out the m . G ive it a try! Take a minute and th in k abou t o ne or t wo thing s you have a ccomp lished l a tel y an d give yours elf a p a t o n t he back ! April is here, and sping is upon us! As we enter the month of the PSSAs, this is a good time for our children to remember the many benefits of adequate sleep, healthy eating habits, and self-care. Check out this link from PBS Kids for some self-care tips! I pledge to take pride in my community and myself!
In Review: SEL in March In March, our Kindergarteners learned about kindness. We read The Cool Bean by Jory John and talked about ways we can show kindness at McKinley. Meanwhile, our 4th grade students learned about setting SMART goals. We spent some time developing our goals so that we can finish 4th grade strong! Managing our Emotions!! Want to get a head start? Check out this video from Rocket Kids! PSSA DATES ELA: Apri l 22, 24, 2 5 Math: April 29, 30 Sc ienc e: May 1, 2 Min dfu lness Moment Click on the link below for this month’s mindful moment with Mr. Johnson! Click here! Social Emotional
The McKinley Boys Running Club was visited by the Phillies Phitness Presented by Giant program yesterday! The club participated in some of the same exercises as Phillies players and heard important messages about nutrition and the importance of eating healthy food.
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Boy on the run club posing with the Phitness sign
If you are interested in purchasing tickets for the McKinley school musical performance on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 1PM or 7PM in the Abington Middle School Little Theater, please see the link below.
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Disney Aladdin Jr.
Last week 4th and 4th grade students competed in a spelling bee. Congratulations to our winners!
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Spelling bee participants posing with the McKinley administration.
Spelling bee participants posing with the McKinley administration.
Spelling bee participants posing with certificates.
Spelling bee participants posing with the McKinley administration.
2nd and 3rd grade have been having a blast at morning clubs! Here are some of the great creations from the STEM club and the LEGO club.
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with LEGO creations.
Students posing with STEM creations.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade families, Please see the attached letter that was emailed to families from Principal Oldham, regarding important PSSA information and reminders.
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Dear Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades 3-5,          			        	                         As we approach the time of the year when the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is administered, I write to provide you with some valuable information about the assessments and your student’s participation.   Abington School District is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to administer these assessments, which this year will be scheduled between April 22 and May 10, 2024. The assessments focus on the subjects of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and—for grades 4 and 8 only—Science, and are aligned with the Pennsylvania Standards.   The assessments provide schools with valuable information regarding their educational program, and parents/guardians with insight about their student’s current level of knowledge in these subject areas, as well as, their progress over time. Individual Student Reports will be available to you and will be accessible via Skyward.      SUBJECT DATES OF TESTING English Language Arts April 22 - 26, 2024 Mathematics April 29 - May 3, 2024 Science (Grades 4 and 8 only) April 29 - May 3, 2024 Make-ups May 6 - 10, 2024   Due to the security of the tests, students must complete the tests during the established testing window and following the testing protocol. We appreciate your cooperation as we establish a testing environment that allows students to do their best. Additional information about test security and other protocols–such as the prohibition of cell phones–is available via the following letter and FAQ document provided by PDE.   In order to help parents/guardians prepare their students for the PSSA, we have developed a webpage under the Abington School District website with additional resources. We can also answer any other testing questions you may have.   Sincerely,    Mr. Daniel Oldham, Principal McKinley Elementary School
McKinley VIBE and IMAGINE students visited the Philadelphia Zoo as part of the Albert M. Greenfield UNLESS Contest. Students enjoyed spending time with friends, seeing the animals, and participating in the annual project-based contest that encourages students to create real solutions to environmental issues in their lives.
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
McKinley Vibe and Imagine students posed at the Philadelphia Zoo.
McKinley Vibe and Imagine students posed at the Philadelphia Zoo.
McKinley Vibe and Imagine students posed at the Philadelphia Zoo.
Happy conference week families! When coming in for your child's conference don't forget to stop at the lost and found table to pick up any lost items. If you are donating to the McKinley book swap, please drop off your books at the front entrance!
10 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
McKinley 4th graders completed a virtual biography book report project. The students will be travelling around their grade level classrooms to view each other's displays, which will include a QR code they can scan to view each student's virtual presentation. #ASDProud
11 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students using their computers to scan QR codes where they can watch virtual biography book reports.
Students posing at the 4th grade biography book report museum.
5th graders became Target employees as part of their unit on decimals. They solved word problems based on the weekly flyer and made up their own based on sale items around the room. They even created a store for their kindergarten buddies to come visit and shop.
11 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
5th grade and Kindergarten students posing at the Target math event.
Students working together at the Target math event.
Students working together at the Target math event.
Students working on their Target math event.
Students working on their Target math event.
5th grade students working with Kindergarten students helping them shop at a pretend Target.
Students working on their Target math event.
5th grade students working with Kindergarten students helping them shop at a pretend Target.
5th grade students working with Kindergarten students helping them shop at a pretend Target.
5th grade students working with Kindergarten students helping them shop at a pretend Target.
McKinley Book Swap! McKinley is seeking new or gently used books in good condition for our first book swap! Donate picture books, novels, and nonfiction for ages 5-12. Drop off your donations at the main entrance during teacher conferences, from March 25-27th. Please see this flyer for additional information. Thank you for your support!
11 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
MCKINLEY BOOK SWAP  We are seeking new or gently used books in good condition for McKinley's Summer Book Swap!  Donate picture books, novels, and nonfiction for ages 5-12. Drop off your donations during conferences at the main entrance.  Book Donation Drop Off:  March 25th-27th  McKinley Elementary Main Entrance  MIRRORS  *NICE ICE *  ||  THE  CUBE  NEXT DOOR  Please note: Donations will be accepted in accordance with the ASD Superintendent's Administrative Procedure. Any unused titles may be donated elsewhere. Please contact our school librarian, Ms. Strohecker, with any questions at Thank you for your support!  The Abington Board of School Directors assumes no responsibilities for the opinions, information, and possible typographical errors and omissions, etc. that may be reflected in this flyer.
McKinley's Lost & Found There are three ways to claim your student's missing item from our Lost & Found! 1) Check out our NEW virtual Lost & Found 2) Remind your student to go to the Lost & Found during school to claim their item. 3) Parents/Guardians can go to the Lost & Found in the school's vestibule during school hours. Please remember to label your student's belongings! Lost & Found items that are labeled are delivered to students. At the end of each month items that are not labeled or claimed will be donated. Thank you!
11 months ago, McKinley Elementary School
McKinley lost and found needs your help!
REMINDER: The Abington School District team of home and school visitors is partnering with High Focus Treatment Centers to bring a Health & Wellness Fair to the Abington School District. This event will run in conjunction with the annual College and Career Fair hosted by the Abington Senior High School Counseling Department on Thursday, March 7, starting at 6 p.m. The Health & Wellness Fair portion will be housed in the library and is open to all ASD families. For more information, visit: or
11 months ago, Abington School District
Health and Wellness Fair - Thurs., Mar. 7, 6pm at the ASHS Library. In conjunction with the College and Career Fair. Learn how to access community resources, get information about mental health supports and services, and speak with local service providers. Held in partnership with High Focus Treatment Centers.
The McKinley PTO is planning a special activity to recognize Leap Day 2024 this Thursday! Click the link below for a flyer from the PTO with more information on this special activity:
11 months ago, McKinley Elementary School