Today our sixth graders did an exciting lab studying the properties of matter states!
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
middle school, students, 6th grade, science
middle school, students, 6th grade, science
middle school, students, 6th grade, science
middle school, students, 6th grade, science
This year's Thanksgiving 🥫Food 🥫Drive was a huge success.. AMS donated 1,175 items and yesterday several Student Council reps packaged 60 "baskets". Each team contributed to the donations, with some significant contributors*: 6th-Sharks (152) and StingRays (239) 7th- Bobcats (131) and Bears (136) 8th- Eagles (98) *Numbers are "straight" item donations (we awarded extra points for focus items and decorated collection boxes. There was no change to "winners"). Huge shout out to this year's StuCo for all their efforts and the AMS community for their generosity!
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive; can counting
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive; counting cans
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
student council; middle school; students; thanksgiving; food drive
Beginning Monday 12/2, all students coming to the library during advisory/workshop must have their school IDs with them. If you lost your ID and need a replacement you can see Ms. Shefcik in the 6th grade office to buy a new one for $8.00.
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
Any 7th Grade Boys interested in trying out for the basketball team, please join the Google Classroom with the Code: 3WNQQCH There will also be an interest meeting with Coach Cawley in the Little Theatre during Advisory on Tuesday December 17th (9:30 to 9:55). Please plan to attend to hear information on try-outs and P-I-A-A Clearances.
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
The middle schools’s PBIS theme is Safe, Responsible, and Kind (SRK). Throughout the marking period student receive red SRK tickets from staff when they display impressive Safe, Responsible, or Kind behaviors in the building. Students who met the advertised behavior expectations and were able to turn in 10 of the SRK tickets they earned to their Advisory teacher were invited to the SRK Event. Over 500 students attended the marking period 1 Bingo event. Many thanks to the PTO for providing great prizes and the parents and student volunteers who made to positive event happen!!
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
More photos from our “Reverse the Curse” spirit day :)
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
students, teachers, middle school
students, teachers, middle school
students, teachers, middle school
students, teachers, middle school
students, teachers, middle school
It was “Reverse the Curse” spirit day sponsored by the yearbook at AMS where teachers dressed like students and students dressed like teachers. Advisory classes with the most participants won a prize but the laughs it brought made everyone a winner. Can you guess who the students dressed up as?
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
middle school, students, teachers
On Tuesday, after finishing reading “Hatchet,” Mrs. Roach and her students participated in an Escape Room activity. They had to work together to complete five tasks, including a secret mystery quote, in order to escape!
about 1 month ago, Abington Middle School
6th grade, students, ELA
6th grade, students, ELA
6th grade, students, ELA
6th grade, students, ELA
6th grade, students, ELA
SURVEY DEADLINE EXTENDED: Don’t miss your chance to weigh in on the future of Abington Middle School. Tomorrow, Nov. 22, will be the final day to participate in our ThoughtExchange on the proposed facility options! The survey will close on Friday at 5 p.m. Every opinion counts, and the more feedback we have, the better we can plan for the future. Click here to participate in our ThoughtExchange:
about 2 months ago, Abington School District
Share Your Thoughts - Your feedback is important. Make sure to participate in our online survey.
Students in STEM classes at Abington Middle School were visited by The Physics Bus last week, a traveling field trip that provides students with the opportunity to experiment with everyday household objects.
about 2 months ago, Abington School District
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
Students experiment during a visit from the Physics Bus
The Going Green Club students did a campus litter clean up to help take care of the environment and beautify the AMS campus at a recent meeting.
about 2 months ago, Abington Middle School
middle school, green club, students
middle school, green club, students
middle school, green club, students
The 6th grade Social Studies classes are currently researching Ancient Egypt. Students from Mrs. Barrett's class shared what they learned with their classmates by creating Ancient Egypt Museum Exhibits!
about 2 months ago, Abington Middle School
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
6th grade, middle school, social studies class,  Ancient Egypt project
about 2 months ago, Abington Middle School
The Going Green Club learned about nature journaling at a recent meeting and went outside to try it out. Nature journaling is a way to document observations of the natural world through writing, drawing, or other creative means. The goal is to develop a deeper connection with nature and appreciate it more.
about 2 months ago, Abington Middle School
6th grade, nature, students, green club, outdoors
6th grade, nature, students, green club, outdoors
6th grade, nature, students, green club, outdoors
6th grade, nature, students, green club, outdoors
6th grade, nature, students, green club, outdoors
6th grade science students are learning about the states of matter and did an investigation on surface tension a physical property of liquids.
about 2 months ago, Abington Middle School
science, student, middle school, experiment
Girls Basketball is AWAY at Keith Valley Middle School today.
about 2 months ago, Abington Middle School
Are you creative? Are you interested in making AMS even more beautiful? Then join the School Beautification Club which will have it's first meeting on Tuesday, November 12th in Room 324. The code to join the Google Classroom is vslyfwt
2 months ago, Abington Middle School
Any 8th grade boys interested in trying out for basketball, there will be an informational meeting in Commons A on MONDAY, November 11, from 3:15-4:00. Please begin the process of handling PIAA forms (in Planet HS/Big Teams). See the nurse in the health suite with any question you have in regards to this. ALSO, please join the Google Classroom using code jpittrr. See Coach Hinds in Room 332 during advisory with any questions.
2 months ago, Abington Middle School
The Student Council is holding a Thanksgiving food drive this Wednesday November 6th to Wednesday November 20th. The food items we collect will be delivered to families in need so they can enjoy a delicious dinner that you provided! We welcome any Thanksgiving appropriate non-perishable food items but we are asking each team to focus on bringing a specific non-perishable food item. Stuffing (Dolphins, Bears, Blue Jays) Non-perishable potato products (Marlins, Bobcats, Cardinals) Canned vegetables (Sharks, Mustangs, Eagles) Non-perishable fruit and desserts (Sting Rays, Wolves, Hawks) In addition to the focus items, people can bring in pasta, soup, gravy, or any other non-perishable item that would be appropriate for a holiday meal. Each donated item will be worth 1 point and each team focused item will be worth 2 points. The team that donates the most items will receive a pretzel party as a reward. You can bring your donations in and place them in your team’s collection box,, which will be placed in a spot determined by your team. We have the opportunity to support many families in need this Thanksgiving season by your generous donations. May the best team win!
2 months ago, Abington Middle School
food drive, thanksgiving, middle school, student council
Cardinals posing in their Halloween costumes.
2 months ago, Abington Middle School
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume
8th grade, halloween, halloween costume