Last night Rydal Elementary held their annual Reading and Multicultural Night. Rydal families shared food and customs from different cultures, and teachers shared their favorite books and reading games with children. #ASDProud
11 months ago, Abington School District
Teachers shared their favorite books with students
Families shared customs and culture of other countries
Families shared customs and foods of other cultures
Teachers shared their favorite books with students
Families shared foods and customs of other cultures
Families shared customs and culture of other countries
Mascots were on site!
Families shared foods of other cultures
Families shared customs and food of other cultures
Families shared customs and foods of other cultures
Did you know? The school store at Abington Sr. High is managed and operated by the students and staff of the STRIVE transitional program! The store, located in the Bobby Bryant Athletic Center, is open for students before school daily, and Thursdays during Lunch & Learn. Members of the public can also order items online for pickup and payment at the main office via cash or check. #ASDProud #WeAreASHS
11 months ago, Abington School District
Student Cameron operates the school store during Lunch & Learn
Student Cameron operates the school store during Lunch & Learn
School store merchandise
Student Cameron operates the school store during Lunch & Learn
School store customers review the prices
Sample of school store items
Rydal Elementary students sampled mango smoothies, street corn, flatbread pizza and cucumber salad today! The Chartwells K-12 new Global Eats program encourages students to taste new flavors while learning about different cultures, by offering international menu items. #ASDProud
11 months ago, Abington School District
Students collected postcards and stickers from different countries
The flatbread pizza was a favorite
Rydal students enjoyed the Global Foods lunch
Students waited in line to choose menu samples from different countries
Mango smoothies were a favorite recipe
Cucumber salad was a recipe offered
Students collected stickers from different countries
Rydal students enjoyed sampling menu items from different countries
Students could collect postcards from each country
Students were offered chopsticks with their cucumber salad
Overlook Elementary School was visited today by the one and only @philliephanatic as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program! The fan-favorite mascot acted out one of his stories, which was read aloud by Principal Ms. Karima Boyd. The Phanatic About Reading program is a free, incentive-based program that encourages students in grades Pre-K through 8 to read, or be read to, for a minimum of 15 minutes a day to improve their literacy skills. Top-performing schools like Overlook were given a chance to receive a special experience with the Phanatic. #ASDProud #PhanaticAboutReading
11 months ago, Abington School District
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
The Phanatic vists Overlook Elementary as part of the Phanatic About Reading Program
#OneASDOneFuture is a long-range facilities planning initiative by Abington School District to provide the best educational environment for its growing student population. Visit for more details.
11 months ago, Abington School District
What is One ASD, One Future? Link in caption.
At last week's meeting, the Board of School Directors approved the calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Download it here:
11 months ago, Abington School District
2024-2025 Academic Calendar Now Posted on Our Website
Thanks to @katherinescott6abc for visiting @abingtonsrhigh today to interview our M3 students and Mr. Longwill about the growth of this music program! #ASDProud #ArtsinASD
11 months ago, Abington School District
Katherine Scott interviews M3
Katherine Scott interviews M3
Katherine Scott interviews M3
Scarlet Fever performs
Copper Beech and Overlook Elementary schools participated in the 35th National African-American Read-In, established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month. #ASDProud
11 months ago, Abington School District
Copper Beech students listen to a book for African American Read-In
Copper Beech students listed to a book by an African American author for African American History Month
Copper Beech class prepares to read their book for African American Read-In
Copper Beech Elementary reads a story by an African American author
Copper Beech elementary students participate in African American Read-In
Overlook Elementary students learn about the African American author and illustrator of their book
Overlook Elementary students read a book by an African American author
Overlook Elementary students listen to a book by an African American Author
Overlook Elementary students participate in African American Read-In
Overlook Elementary students listen to a book by an African American author
Due to the inclement weather, all Abington School District schools and offices will be closed today, February 13, 2024. As this is our third emergency closure due to weather, there will be no instruction for students.
11 months ago, Abington School District
Inclement Weather Update
Author Lowey Bundy Sichol spoke to students at Roslyn, Overlook and McKinley elementary schools last week about her "From an idea to…" book series. She introduced students to entrepreneurship through stories of how companies like LEGO, Nike, and Google were created from an idea. #ASDProud
11 months ago, Abington School District
Students learn about famous entrepreneurs
Lowey Bundy Sichol reads from her book about a famous entrepreneur
Students learn about how Walt Disney began his company
Lowey Bundy Sichol poses with Roslyn class
Ms. Sichol speaks about her recent book, "Cookie Queen"
Ms. Sichol speaks about her series, "From an idea to..."
Students ask questions
Students learn about famous entrepreneurs
Yesterday, award-winning author, Paul Volponi, presented his Creative Writing and Readers Workshop to @AbingtonSrHigh students from Sports Literature, Creative Writing, AP Literature, and 9th & 11th grade English classes. Mr. Volponi also shared valuable career path advice and writing tips. #ASDProud #ASDPathways
11 months ago, Abington School District
Paul Volponi presents his creative Writing and Readers Workshop
Students work on developing writing proposals
Students speak about their writing proposals
Students participate in the Writing and Readers Workshop
Paul Volponi presents his creative Writing and Readers Workshop
Students answer questions at the Writing and Readers Workshop
Students speak about their writing proposals
Students speak about their writing proposals
On Wednesday, Willow Hill Elementary School celebrated Black History Month by participating in the 35th Annual National African American Read-in, where students formed a human reading chain from one end of the school to the other. #ASDProud
11 months ago, Abington School District
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Students at Willow Hill read to each other and form a reading chain in the halls
Yesterday was National Crossing Guard Appreciation Day! Roslyn Elementary School celebrated with a handmade thank you card for keeping the students safe, which was signed by all of the school's walkers. #ASDProud
11 months ago, Abington School District
Roslyn Crossing Guard with Two Students
Sydney Brice, a junior and founder of the ASHS Girls Flag Football Team, was featured on @kywnewsradio today about the growing popularity of the sport! #ASDProud #ASDAthletics
12 months ago, Abington School District
For this month's Pledge of Character theme, Kindness, and in celebration of Black History Month, Copper Beech 5th graders from Mrs. Fields' class are creating a 'Masterpeace' bulletin board. The theme will blossom as students add flowers with kind messages to others! #ASDProud
12 months ago, Abington School District
Copper Beech 5th graders in front of their "Masterpeace" bulletin board
Students work on their artwork for the bulletin board in their free time
Students pose with their art teacher
Students work on their artwork for the bulletin board in their free time
Students work on their "Masterpeace" bulletin board
Students work on their artwork for the bulletin board in their free time
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens tomorrow! Children whose 5th birthday occurs on or before September 1, 2024, may enroll. For more information, visit: #OneASD
12 months ago, Abington School District
See caption for details.
Congratulations to junior, Maya Johnson, who was honored yesterday at the Mini Maxwell Banquet, which served as the inaugural recognition of women's flag football players. #ASDProud #AwardsofASD #ASDAthletics
12 months ago, Abington School District
Maya Johnson at the banquet
Maya Johnson is recognized at the Mini Maxwell Banquet
All of the banquet honorees
This month's Abington Pledge of Character theme is "Kindness", the perfect time for Roslyn Elementary School's Best Buddies Club to officially begin! After last week's first meeting, students and staff are looking forward to a year full of memories and new friendships. #ASDProud
12 months ago, Abington School District
New friendships are formed at Roslyn's Best Buddy Club!
Best Buddies Club participants
Students enjoying activities at the Best Buddies Club meeting
The first Meeting of Roslyn's Best Buddies Club
New friendships are formed at the Best Buddies Club!
Students listen to a book at the Best Buddies Club meeting
Last week, Abington Senior High STRIVE students visited the Transportation Department bus garage. Students enjoyed a tour of the lot where the buses are kept, learned about the tools that mechanics use, and had the opportunity to help prepare a bus for tire maintenance. #ASDProud
12 months ago, Abington School District
STRIVE students arrive at the bus garage
Students look at the tools that bus mechanics use
A student helps to tighten the lug nuts on a bus
STRIVE students receive a certificate to recognize their day helping at the bus garage
A student learns about how to use mechanics tools
Mr. Rehm gives a tour of the bus lot
A student learns about the tools bus mechanics use
Students help activate the hydraulic bus lift
A student helps tighten the lug nuts
A student is assisted in tightening the lug nuts on the bus
Abington Senior High thanks the professionals who shared their career journeys with students at the Healthcare/Bio Med Career Event last week. The fields of Optometry, Anesthesiology, Physical Therapy, and Pediatric Nursing were a few of those represented. #ASDProud #ASDPathways
12 months ago, Abington School District
Students hear about Optometry and Anesthesiology
Students listen to career advice about teaching the deaf and hearing impaired
Students pose with healthcare professionals
Students learn about pediatric nursing and gynecologic surgery
Students ask questions about a career in optometry
Students pose with healthcare professionals
Studetns learn about a career in teaching the deaf and hearing impaired
Students pose with healthcare professionals
Students hear about careers in physical therapy and performance coaching
Students pose with healthcare professionals