One ASD, One Future Abington Schools

In early May, Abington School District hosted two Open House and Community Forum events at Abington Middle School to share the results of the District’s recent facilities assessment and hear from residents regarding their hopes for future investments in the District.

Over 100 attendees took guided tours of Abington Middle School, visited with District leadership, asked questions of the independent consultants retained to assess the school buildings, and offered comments about the facilities planning process.

Looking ahead, the District will begin evaluating options for the future of Abington Middle School and the aging elementary schools. This assessment considers addressing immediate needs and planning for the future; it also considers the financial implications of various options and their impact on teaching and learning experiences in ASD schools.

Community insights are essential in shaping the future of the Abington School District. As facilities options emerge later this fall, the District will again seek feedback from all in the community — teachers and staff, students, parents and guardians, and residents — to help shape the future of Abington School District.

In the meantime, community members can visit to stay engaged in shaping the best plan for Abington Schools, and use the Connect form to submit questions or feedback.