Overview of Abington School District

District Facts & Figures


  • Northern suburb of Philadelphia in Montgomery County

  • Includes Abington Township and Borough of Rockledge

  • 15.2 square miles, primarily residential

  • Total Abington/Rockledge population (2020 census): 61,045

Organization/Enrollment 2024-2025

  • Elementary schools (K-5): 3,662

  • Abington Middle School (6-8): 2,047

  • Senior High School (9-12): 2,693

  • Total enrollment: 8,402

Personnel 2024-2025

  • Professional staff positions: 692

  • Supporting staff positions: 456

Future Plans of Graduates (Class of 2024)

  • Higher Education: 75%

  • Employment: 23%

  • Military: 2%

Our Mission

Building upon the historical and culturally diverse roots of our community and its proud traditions, and recognizing the uniqueness of each student, the Abington School District promotes excellence as our standard and achievement as the result.

Our Vision

Abington Schools will be future-forward, innovative learning environments. Promoting student excellence and achievement in academic and co-curricular exploration, with a focus on inclusive and equitable practices, will ensure our students are prepared for the challenges of the future.

Educational Values


Feedback on the draft plan can be submitted to comp2025@abington.k12.pa.us, no later than Friday, March 14, 2025.