How to Set or Change Your Password
If someone from our tech department has reset a password for you, you must first change your password before you can log into anything (including Skyward, Google Services, and email).
Go to the Password Change screen from any device
From an ASD Chromebook's login screen, you can also get there by clicking on the Apps icon in the lower left corner and choosing ASD Password Change:

This is what the Password Change screen looks like.

Username – enter your student ID number (employees, enter your username). The full email address is not required here.
Current Password is the password provided to you by our tech team.
New Password is what you will be changing it to. It must be at least 8 characters (12 for staff) and cannot be a previously used password.
Staff passwords must also contain at least 3 of the following 4: upper case, lower case, number, symbol.
Confirm New Password is where you will enter your new password again, just to make sure you typed it correctly.
Click the Change Password button.
If successful, you will see a “Password Changed” message in blue.

Things to Note
The username for Skyward is just the student ID number (123456) or employee username (fakejq).
The username for all Google services is the full email address.
Employees: (
The password you set applies to everything.