970 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA 19001
Equitable Practices
Abington School District endeavors to foster belonging through a culture of dignity in which members of our community feel validated, accepted and treated fairly. We can achieve this culture of belonging by recognizing the innate, equal worth of each human being. We acknowledge that while our mission states that excellence is our standard and that achievement is the result, there are cultural, structural, racial and social barriers that exist for students that can impede their path to academic achievement and personal growth. As such, we will listen to and validate the lived experiences of our stakeholders and we will work to continue to educate our school community on diversity and inclusion and be self-reflective. Lastly, we will advocate on behalf of our students, especially the most marginalized and vulnerable.
Our District commits to eliminate or modify policies and practices that perpetuate inequitable outcomes so that all students can benefit and be afforded the opportunity to graduate ready to succeed and thrive in postsecondary education and/or the workforce and engage productively in an increasingly-diverse local, national, and global community.
District Equity Advisory Committee
The District Equity Advisory Committee was created as a result of the Superintendent’s Committee regarding Equitable Practices to bring District stakeholders of all levels together to provide feedback on equity initiatives in Abington Schools. The Advisory Committee meets quarterly to review priority areas for equity, which have ties to all departments within the District. The Committee explores efforts at both the School District and school building level in working toward the District mission and vision.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
Abington School District is committed to complying fully with all Federal and state laws banning discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin/ethnicity, veteran status, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or religion with regard to instructional programs, extracurricular activities, and employment practices. For more information, see the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act at the following: PHRC Website.
Any person who believes they are a victim of discrimination by the school district should refer the matter to the attention of the building principal and/or area supervisor. If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, it should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent of Schools. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Director of Human Resources
District Equity Officer
970 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA 19001