SINGING GRAMS: On Thursday, February 13, the Chorale will again be traveling into classrooms and delivering Valentine’s Day Singing Grams! The Chorale can’t wait to serenade the students of Abington.
CARNATION SALE: The Senior Class will be selling carnations during Lunch and Learn on Thursday this week outside of Cafeteria A. One flower is $1, 6 flowers are $5, and a dozen flowers are $10. We will only accept cash, no electronic payments. The more you buy the more you save! Thanks for supporting the Senior Class.
1) Attention all Key Club Board Members & Officers: our board meeting will be held on Tuesday, 2/18 during Learn 1 in Room C140. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Peters or Miss DeGregorio know. Thank you!
2) LATE BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention all Key Clubbers: if you are in need of some service hours, you can easily get 2 hours for helping out at the Course Selection Night! Come to the Auditorium Lobby at 5:45pm and sign-in with Mrs. Chakler. Your help is needed to assist parents to and from various locations in the building. You will be finished by 7:45pm. Bring your service logs so it can be signed on the way out of the building. Sign-up on the Key Club Google Classroom page. Any questions? See Mrs. Peters in Room C140.
3) Attention all students: if you are in need of service hours and notice an overwhelming amount of children's books in your house, then you're in luck! The Key Club's Annual Book Train will begin February 3rd and run all the way until Friday, March 28th! Bring in your gently used children's books to Mrs. Peters' room C140 or Miss DeGregorio's room C120 and receive 1 service hour per every 5 books! These books will be donated to children around the community. In 2023 over 1,000 books were donated; in 2024, over 4,000 books were donated; and our goal for this year is over 5,000 books!
4) Attention all students: Key Club has recently partnered with Make-A-Wish and adopted a Wish Kid named Joey, who has, unfortunately, been diagnosed with cancer. Our job is to fundraise for his wish, which is to go to Disney World! During Advisory yesterday Wednesday, February 5th, you took a personality/compatibility survey for free. Please complete it by Friday, February 7th. TODAY, Wednesday, 2/12, and TOMORROW, Thursday, 2/13, Key Club will be selling the results of the survey for $5. If you wish to see who you are most compatible with, please bring cash (or check) to Mrs. Peters' room C140. All money raised from the results of the survey will go towards Joey's wish. Plus, the Perfect Blend will be running a special drink that week! Also, during the month of February, Key Club will be selling bracelets and stars to fundraise for Joey's wish, and can be bought for any donation amount. Bracelets can be purchased for someone special or just for yourself. The stars will be displayed on the windows of the library making a "Wish Wall" with the names of those who donated. All items can be purchased during Lunch & Learn in either the library or from rooms C140 or C120.
OUTDOOR TRACK and FIELD: Boys and Girls in Grades 9th thru 12th interested in participating on the Abington High School Outdoor Track and Field team this Spring should attend a meeting TODAY, Wednesday February 12th, in Cafeteria “B” at 3:00pm. Important information about the outdoor track season will be discussed at this time. Please plan to attend. Coach Neely
JAZZ BAND PRETZEL SALE: The ASHS Jazz Band will be selling delicious soft
pretzels after school EVERY Wednesday. Pretzels are $1.00 and proceeds
support Jazz Band activities.
BUILDON: Buildon is hosting a dine and donate event at Jules pizza TODAY, February 12 from 4 to 7. All proceeds will go to the construction of a school in Malawi this summer. Please come out to support the team!
ABING THON: AbingThon is having a meeting for students interested in joining, we will also discuss how to raise money for your fundraising goals. AbingThon is a club that helps raise money for six organizations associated with pediatric cancer research. These organizations also help the families affected by childhood cancer. Please come out on Friday, February 21st during Learn 1 in the auditorium to learn about AbingThon.
Students may begin making installment payments during lunch/learn towards their junior prom ticket. Here are the details:
Junior Prom is at a new venue!
Where? The Fuge in Warminster
When? Saturday 5/3/25@ 7pm
How much: $65/ticket
You can pay in installments:
· $20 on Thursday, January 30th / Friday, Jan 31st
· $20 on Thursday, February 27th / Friday, Feb 28th
· $25 on Thursday, March 27th / Friday, March 28th
· Make your installment payment to Ms. Colon (C-216) or Ms. Greiner (C-209)during lunch/learn on the dates above.
· Make a plan to clear all obligations/detentions before reserving your ticket on the installment plan.