JAZZ BAND PRETZEL SALE: The ASHS Jazz Band will be selling delicious soft

pretzels after school EVERY Wednesday. Pretzels are $1.00 and proceeds

support Jazz Band activities.


KEY CLUB: Attention all Key Club Board Members & Officers: our board meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 28th during Learn 1 in Room C140. Bring your lunch if you need to!

KEY CLUB: Attention all students: if you are interested in running for an officer position for Key Club for the 2025-2026 school year, please fill out the form on the google classroom page, under Club Information. If you don't want to run for an officer position, but still want to be on the board, please fill out the appropriate google form. Any questions? See Mrs. Peters in room C140 or Miss DeGregorio in room C120.


OPEN MIC NIGHT: Come to Caf C at 7pm on Wednesday night, January 29 to hear Concert Choir members perform at their Open Mic Night! Admission is $5, and concessions will be sold. All proceeds will benefit the choir and their upcoming trip. See you on the 29th!


DANCE MEETING-CLASS OF 2027: Bonjour class of 2027! On January 29th we will be having a meeting AFTER SCHOOL in Mrs. Schwartz room (C259) for ANYONE who wants to come and help plan the dance with the theme of a night in Paris!


ASIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: ASA is having a mochi donut sale on January 30th and a drink at the perfect blend for lunar new year! Get a lucky temple (which is a shirley temple with yakult) from the 27th to 31st!


SINGING GRAMS: On Thursday, February 13, the Chorale will again be traveling into classrooms and delivering Valentine’s Day Singing Grams! If you enjoyed the Holiday Singing Grams, then what better way to surprise your friend or special someone for Valentine’s Day? Singing grams are $3 and will be sold Feb 3-10 outside the cafeterias during lunch periods. You can choose from such favorites as Bad Romance, Single Ladies, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, That’s What Makes You Beautiful, among many others. The Chorale can’t wait to serenade the students of Abington.
