Dear Parents/Guardians,

Abington School District uses Skyward, a student information system to send you important information and emergency announcements. In addition, Skyward’s Family Access Portal houses information regarding students’ attendance, grades, schedules, etc. 

Skyward will re-open for family access for the 2023-2024 school year starting at noon on Wednesday, August 23rd. Beginning at this time, you may log in to complete the following steps/forms for your student(s) for the new school year. 

Please complete these items no later than Friday, September 22, 2023 (please note that the instructions below are for using Skyward on a desktop computer or in the web browser on your mobile device).

  • EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Updates to emergency contact information are required to ensure you receive important information from the District. Parent/guardian contact information is located under the “Student Info” tab found on the left-side, vertical menu. Once in this tab, click “Request Changes” in the top right corner to make any updates, if needed. Phone numbers and email addresses provided through Skyward for parents/guardians will be used for school-level and District communications, including for our automated voice call and text messaging systems that may be utilized in the event of an emergency. Please continue to review and update the information for your student(s) over the course of the school year, as necessary.
  • TEACHER ASSIGNMENTS: Teacher assignments will be posted to Skyward beginning at noon on August 23rd. Please review your student’s assignment before the first day of school. To find your student’s assigned teacher(s), log into Skyward, and from the dropdown menu at the top left of the screen, select the student (if you have more than one student enrolled) for whom you would like to see the teacher assignment. For elementary students, this information is accessed by clicking the “Student Info” tab from the vertical menu on the left side. For secondary students, clicking “Gradebook” from the vertical menu will bring up your child’s class schedule, which includes the assigned teachers.
  • TRANSPORTATION: For students who are eligible for busing, please select the “Busing” tab on the left-hand side. Once in this tab, your student’s busing information will be shown on the right-hand side. Please be sure to check Skyward Family Access prior to the first day of school as routes may change from year to year.
  • Please click here for instructions on completing the items below. 

    • HEALTH SERVICES CONSENT: This provides consent for the District health services to treat your child when they come to the health suite for illness or injury. 
    • ELEMENTARY ONLY - WEATHER EMERGENCY: This information is used by your child’s school principal in the event of an early dismissal due to a weather emergency.

    • WEB-BASED TOOLS: According to the Federal Trade Commission and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), parents and guardians must give consent for children under the age of 13 to access certain websites and online resources. 

    • CARE OF DISTRICT PROPERTY: This is required in order for students to be issued District equipment, including Chromebooks. Please review the ASD Student Technology Handbook for more information. 

    • VIDEO CONFERENCING: This form enables students to participate in online video conferencing, such as Google Meet. 

    You can contact the main office if you need assistance or have trouble logging into Skyward. If you do not yet have a Skyward account—including if your student is new to Abington School District or an incoming kindergartener—login information will be sent to you tomorrow from the Technology and Innovation Department. Please call the office on Wednesday morning if you have not received it. 


    Lyndsay M. Morgan, Ed.D.
