MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2025


 Weekly AMS Sports Schedule 2024-2025


Attention Best Buddies! Our next meeting will be Monday, March 10th. We will meet in Commons B at 3:15.  Please check the Google Classroom (Code: 3 t s u l l) for updates! 


Attention all musical creators: We are meeting from 3:10-4:00 today, so make sure to bring your creativity to room 132.


Attention all 7th grade softball players. If you are interested in trying out for the softball team you must join the Google Classroom with the code npuhyi5 and attend the interest meeting in room 134 on Tuesday 3/11 in room with Coaches Deni and Quinn. 

The meeting will start at 3:15 and will end by 4:00 in time for 4:15 busses. Please plan your ride home this day. See you then.

The Google Classroom has instructions for the required P I A A Planet HS clearances. 


All 7th and 8th grade boys and girls interested in running track this year should attend the interest meeting Thursday March 13th from 3-4pm in the gym. Important information about the season will be discussed. Please see Ms Long, Ms. Helm. or Ms. Collins for questions. 


American Sign Language Club is meeting on Wednesday, March 12th. We will meet in Room 136 from 3:15 to 4:15. Hope to see you there. We will be getting our yearbook picture! New members are always welcome!!  


For this week only, the creative writing club will meet on Monday, March 10th at 3:00 in Mrs. Tanay's room instead of Tuesday.


The interest meeting for the Abington Middle School Boys Tennis Team will be on Monday, March 10 from 3:15-4:00 pm in room 110. Come by to sign up for tryouts and to learn more about the team from Coach Jordan.


The 6th grade classes will be going to the Adventure Aquarium on the following dates:

Sharks: 3/12 Dolphins: 3/13 Marlins: 3/20 Stingrays: 3/21


Player/Parent Football meeting

If your child has interest in playing football at the high school next year, come to the meeting on March 18th, 2025 6pm, Abington Senior High School - Auditorium.

Learn about the program from Coach Fleming and meet the Football Booster Club.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Any 7th Graders interested in trying out for the Baseball team must join the Google Classroom with the code raj7efe  and attend the interest meeting  on Monday March 17th 3 to 4p in Mr. West's Room 110. The Google Classroom has instructions for the required P I A A Planet HS clearances. Any questions please email Jose Casalina Josecasalina@gmail.com


Any 8th Graders interested in trying out for the Baseball team must join the Google Classroom with the code E F 3 Q A I F  and attend the interest meeting with Mr. Cawley in the Little Theatre during Advisory on Tuesday March 18th. The Google Classroom has instructions for the required P I A A Planet HS clearances.