Service Learning Awards
“Without service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.”
– Dorothy Height
About the President's Volunteer Service Award
In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.
The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation.
Led by the AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, this program allows Abington School District to recognize their most exceptional volunteers. Students should document their volunteer hours on the Abington Service Awards Log Sheet.
Senior High students, please note the criteria for this award is more stringent than service hours required for Social Studies class.
Eligible Service includes:
School Based Projects: Participating in the Eyeglasses Project, Red Cross Club, FAD, or the Martin Luther King Day of Service Committee.
Club Activities: Service projects through BuildOn, Key Club, or similar organizations (e.g. planning and preparation activities, though not routing meetings.
Charity Events: Volunteering at Walk-A-Thons/5K races (3 hours), participating in the ASD Trunk or Treat (3 hours), Sr. High Abing-THON (5 hours).
Mentorship: Leading children's homework clubs, youth groups, or coaching children's sports teams. Unpaid summer camp counselor/volunteer hours are capped at 7 hours per day.
Faith-based service**: Participating in the community-based youth group projects or mission trips where service is the primary activity (excluding eating, sleeping, worshipping, and playing). Volunteering to paint, clean, or outreach programs at church, synagogue, or mosque. Participation during the service does not qualify for hours.
Community-Based Service: service includes actual, unpaid time spent performing at or for charitable events, such as musical performances and theatrical productions, but excludes rehearsal time. It also encompasses ungraded internships with a non-profit organization dedicated to community service. Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity.
Eligible Service does NOT include:
Educational and Family Activities: Work Study, Transition to Work hours, or activities benefiting only the student’s family or neighbors (e.g., painting your house, lawn care, babysitting).
Extracurricular Participation: Managing or being on athletic teams, participating in Student Council, or similar school organizations (unless it involves a service project).
Fundraising for Teams/Clubs: Activities like car washes or bake sales benefiting a specific team or club.
Donating funds
Proselytizing: Activities that take place during a normal worship service such as ushering, participation in choir, playing music for a service, door to door proselytizing. other religious based instruction.
Political Lobbying
Working for a profit-based business when you are not paid
Personal Enrichment: Paid skill or hobby activities (e.g., dance classes, athletics, lifeguarding), career shadowing, and participating in hobbies without a service component. This also includes hosting foreign exchange students or fostering animals.
Mandated Service: Court-mandated service hours or school-mandated activities for disciplinary reasons.
****Applications for Service Awards are due no later than May 1****
If you would like to apply for a service award for the 2024-2025 school year (service must have occurred between June 1 -May 1, please click on the link below for your school’s application form. The window for applications will be open from October 1- May 1. Because of ordering deadlines for our end of the year ceremonies, we cannot accept late award applications.
Fill out the Google Form linked below for your specific school with the following information:
Student’s full name as it should appear on the certificate
Student’s home email address
Student’s age group based on their age on May 1
Total number of service hours performed June 1-May 1 *please note you may only submit hours completed, not predicted
Designate the award level based on the chart noted below.
Select the student’s school for this school year.
Select the student’s grade level for this school year.
Upload a copy of ALL of the pages of the student’s award log. You may attach additional pages, if needed.
Applications missing required information, failing to meet the minimum hours, or involving inappropriate service activities will not be processed for an award.

Service Award Applications by School