
This page contains information on the disciplinary indicators for the District.  Such indicators may include: out-of-school suspension, in-school suspension, alternative education enrollment, the Office for Safe Schools reports, expulsion, all other offenses and referrals and other school discipline factors. This includes all referrals to the office, even those that are resolved without exclusionary disciplinary consequences.  

The following information is included within this section of the Dashboard:

  • Total Student Offenses and Referrals: this includes the total number of Student Referrals for a building/grade span. 

  • Students with 1 or more Offense or Referral: this includes the total number of students who have accumulated one or more referrals or offenses.  This accounts for students who have received multiple referrals and will provide the number of students who have accounted for the total referenced previously. 

  • Total Student Suspensions: this includes the total number of Student Suspensions for a building/grade span. 

  • Students with 1 or more Suspensions: this includes the total number of students who have accumulated one or more suspensions.  This accounts for students who have received multiple suspensions and will provide the number of students who have accounted for the total referenced previously.