Middle School Program of Studies
This Program of Study has been developed to assist you in the course selection process. Please read this guide carefully. A meaningful school experience is dependent upon the courses you select. The most appropriate program of study is best achieved through the active collaboration of students, parents/guardians, counselors and teachers. Course availability will depend on the number of student requests and the availability of highly qualified, certified staff. Every effort will be made to meet the individual educational aspirations of Abington Middle School students.
Planning Guides
Grade 6
Required Core Courses:
Sixth graders are required to take four core courses.
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Required Encore Courses:
Sixth graders are required to take a rotation of elective courses.
Art (Semester)
Music (Semester)
Invention Lab (Semester)
Introduction to Languages (Semester)
Health and Physical Education
Pathway to Success
Elective Courses:
Sixth graders may select to participate in Band, Orchestra, and/or Chorus. If they select one or more of these courses they will replace one or more of the courses within the encore rotation.

Grade 7
Required Core Courses:
Seventh graders are required to take four core courses. Each is offered at the honors and college preparatory level.
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Required Encore Courses:
Seventh graders are required to take courses in Health & Physical Education and STEM.
Health & Physical Education (Full Year)
STEM I (Semester)
Required Fine Arts Encore:
Seventh graders are required to take at least one Fine Arts course from this list:
2-D Art & Design (Semester)
3-D Art & Design (Semester)
Digital Art & Design (Semester)
Digital Music (Semester)
Instrument Lab (Semester)
Voice Lab (Semester)
Musical Theater Lab (Semester)
Band (Full Year)
Chorus (Full Year)
Orchestra (Full Year)
Elective Courses:
Seventh graders may take additional electives as their schedule allows.
Any additional Fine Arts Courses
Energy and the Environment (Semester)
Fiction and Film (Semester)
Literary Adventures (Semester)
Multimedia Technology (Semester)
Video Production (Semester)
Fitness for Life (Semester)
French I , Part One (Full Year)
German I, Part One (Full Year)
Spanish I, Part One (Full Year)
Mandarin I, Part One (Full Year)

Grade 8
Required Core Courses:
Eighth graders are required to take four core courses. Each is offered at the honors and college preparatory level.
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Required Encore Courses:
Eighth graders are required to take courses in Health & Physical Education and STEM.
Health & Physical Education (Full Year)
STEM II (Semester)
Required Fine Arts Encore:
Eighth graders are required to take at least one Fine Arts course from this list:
2-D Art & Design (Semester)
3-D Art & Design (Semester)
Digital Art & Design (Semester)
Digital Music (Semester)
Instrument Lab (Semester)
Voice Lab (Semester)
Musical Theater Lab (Semester)
Band (Full Year)
Chorus (Full Year)
Orchestra (Full Year)
Elective Courses:
Eighth graders may take additional electives as their schedule allows.
Any additional Fine Arts Courses
Medical Detectives (Semester)
Fiction and Film (Semester)
Literary Adventures (Semester)
Multimedia Technology (Semester)
Video Production (Semester)
Fitness for Life (Semester)
French I (Full Year)
French I, Part Two (Full Year)
German I, Part Two (Full Year)
Spanish I (Full Year)
Spanish I, Part Two (Full Year)
Mandarin I, Part Two (Full Year)